UPDATE 4/4/19: We found MORE tickets! We will get EIGHT winners of tickets starting at 5:15 PM & every 15 minutes after that up to 7PM!… MORE

UPDATE 4/4/19: We found MORE tickets! We will get EIGHT winners of tickets starting at 5:15 PM & every 15 minutes after that up to 7PM!… MORE
B104 is gaining momentum for Kenny Chesney in Champaign, and all this week Faith & Hunter in the morning have your chance to win tickets in the first 5 rows!!!… MORE
Today is country music icon Kenny Chesney’s 51st birthday. Here are the top 10 songs that I think reflect his legendary career over the years.… MORE
Join us this Friday at The Station Saloon for your chance to win tickets to Kenny Chesney in Champaign April 5th! Get details here… MORE
Kenny Chesney “Songs for the Saints Tour” stops in Champaign on Friday, April 5th with special Guest David Lee Murphy and Caroline Jones.… MORE
B104 is giving you one last chance to WIN tickets to Kenny Chesney with the B104 Text Club!… MORE
Register with your Insider Rewards! … MORE
B104 is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day this Saturday at Crawford’s Corner Pub for the largest outdoor St. Patrick’s Day party in Bloomington-Normal!… MORE
Register to win as a B104 Insider! … MORE
After Kenny Chesney’s 2018 Trip Around the Sun Tour hit more than a dozen major stadiums and more than 20 amphitheaters, the Tennessee native is scaling back his 2019 tour, which he has dubbed the Songs for the Saints 2019 Tour. The 19-date tour will make stops at mid-sized venues in cities like Louisville, Washington,…… MORE