Brett Young still has goals and things he’d like to accomplish in his career. However, in terms of accomplishments or a bar he hopes to hit that would make him feel like a success in country music, it has already happened… MORE

Brett Young still has goals and things he’d like to accomplish in his career. However, in terms of accomplishments or a bar he hopes to hit that would make him feel like a success in country music, it has already happened… MORE
Brett Young not the guy stringing lights all over his front yard and putting up giant decorations all over the place… MORE
Brett Young loves Christmas time and all of the music, decorations, presents and celebration that comes with it. However, he is also a preacher’s kid, so he was raised with a true understanding of the reason for the season… MORE
There is one Thanksgiving food item Brett Young says only his mom can make the best… MORE
As a kid, Brett Young pretty much had a one-track mind when it came to what he wanted to be for Halloween… MORE
Brett Young was on track to become a Major League Baseball pitcher until he suffered a career-ending elbow injury while pitching for Ole Miss in college… MORE
Brett Young‘s oldest daughter Presley will turn three on October 21st. His other daughter Rowan is 14 months. So, up to this point he and his wife, Taylor, have been parenting two kids, two and under … and it has been a little exhausting… MORE
Brett Young has a mouse taking over his house. However, he is not upset about it… MORE
There are certain skills Brett Young would still love to acquire in his life. One skill in particular he plans to learn alongside his daughter, Presley… MORE
Brett Young’s two daughters have unique names, Presley (turns three in October) and Rowan (one-year-old). However, Brett says that he cannot take credit for coming up with the names… MORE