Brantley Gilbert and his wife Amber just celebrated their first wedding anniversary and the gift she gave him is setting the bar pretty high for all other wives. Find out what it was here… MORE
Brantley Gilbert and his wife Amber just celebrated their first wedding anniversary and the gift she gave him is setting the bar pretty high for all other wives. Find out what it was here… MORE
It’s the summer of concerts with B104! We want to send you to as many of them as we can, and this weekend we want to send you to see Brantley Gilbert!… MORE
He may come across as a hardcore, bada!$, but Brantley Gilbert is showing that when it comes to children he has a heart of gold. The singer-songwriter teamed with Bendon, Inc. to make a $10.5 donation to Toys For Tots!… MORE
Brantley Gilbert is no longer a heartbroken country singer, after marrying his longtime friend, Amber Cochran, over the summer. As a happily-married newlywed, Brantley says her influence is bound to come out in his next record.… MORE
The Illinois State Fair is August 13 thru the 23rd this year with a nice grandstand line up for country music fans. This year Justin Moore, Brantley Gilbert and Rascal Flatts will perform.
Brantley Gilbert received a special gift from a veteran when the American soldier gave him his Purple Heart.… MORE
The 2015 Illinois State Fair has announced the Grandstand concert lineup and it includes Brantley Gilbert, Rascal Flatts and Justin Moore! SPRINGFIELD – The grandstand lineup at the 2015 Illinois State Fair is beginning to take shape. Illinois State Fair management is pleased to announce Sammy Hagar and The Circle will take the stage opening…… MORE
Brantley Gilbert says he wants to earn the respect of the people around him every day just like Toby Keith has done. Brantley obviously wants his music to be successful; however equally as important to him is the gain the respect of the people that work for and with him. Brantley has been both an…… MORE
Brantley Gilbert has added to his body art with something that the country music star loves … GUNS!… MORE
Tickets for Kenny Chesney Big Revival go on sale Friday morning at 10am. All week win a pair before you can buy them on B104.… MORE