Category Archives: Uncategorized

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To submit your Community Event, please fill out the form below. Please keep in mind these submissions are screened manually and are not posted automatically. Please give us as much notice as possible; the more notice we have, the more time we have to promote your event.MORE

Tax Tip: Did You Know 2015

Tax Tip: Did You Know 2015

SUBSTANTIATING YOUR EXPENSES Business travel, meals and entertainment expenses are not deductible unless you properly substantiate your expenses and have an expectation of deriving some specific benefit from the activity.  In addition, business must actually be discussed or engaged in before, during or after the activity.  You should substantiate each of the following four elements…MORE

Did Willie Nelson Smoke Pot On The White House Roof? [VIDEO]

Did Willie Nelson Smoke Pot On The White House Roof? [VIDEO]

True story, Willie Nelson just let the cat out of the bag that he will be the latest celebrity to release their own brand of marijuana as he will launch Willie’s Reserve weed shops in 2016. That should come as no surprise to anyone who knows, or has ever heard of Willie Nelson, who just released his…MORE

Tax Tip: We Work For You – Home Office Deductions 2015

Tax Tip: We Work For You – Home Office Deductions 2015

OFFICE-IN-HOME EXPENSES Office in home expenses will be allowed for the place of business which is used by the taxpayer for the administration or management activities of the taxpayer’s business, if there is no other fixed location of the business where these activities are substantially performed. The home office must still be used regularly and exclusively,…MORE

Tax Tip: Documenting business use of your personal automobile 2015

Tax Tip: Documenting business use of your personal automobile 2015

If you use your personal vehicle for work, you may be able to write off the costs on your tax return.  To qualify, you must use your car in your job for the convenience of your employer or in your own business. You must maintain adequate records to prove your business use.  If you can meet…MORE

It’s Tax Time Again!

It’s Tax Time Again!

Tax time is not just around the corner, it's here! All of us at Tax & Accounting Plus hope that you had a rewarding and profitable year, and we look forward to seeing you in ourMORE