Presidents Help David Letterman End Late Night Run [VIDEO]

Photo from: youtube via CBS
President Obama joins David Letterman for last show.

Photo from: youtube via CBS

Former Presidents even got in on the action to say goodbye to David Letterman. The final show came on last night we saw the old Dave one last time. Gone are the days of him doing funny stunts due to age, but the raw humor appeared last night and it was a great way to say goodbye.

There were many favorite parts for me and I know you’ll have your own. The star studded Top Ten list ending with Bill Murray saying he’ll never be able to repay the money he owes him was great. We’ll all miss David Letterman, but he knew it was time to say so long. The rating on the final show is a 10 Dave! Enjoy retirement and we can’t wait for Harry Letterman to grow up J

-JD Justice

Final David Letterman monologue.

Famous celebs deliver David Letterman’s final Top 10.

Even the President’s will miss him, sort of!