Kip Moore Posts Powerful Anti-Hate Video #BeTheChange

With the recent stories filling the news about hate and hate crimes, Kip Moore has posted a powerful anti-hate video that in less than a minute urges people to #BeTheChange.

Kip posted the video to his Facebook page and in just 41 seconds he shares a powerful message with just a few words that speaks volumes about what we need to do make a change in people’s hearts for the future.

In the video Kip says, “It’s a beautiful thing how when kids are born they don’t see color and they don’t feel hate. It’s a really sad thing that we teach them how to do both.”

While those few words and the images in the video of kids playing with each other make the powerful statement about how we can all #BeTheChange, Kip also posted the message below on his Facebook page with the video which explains his motivation for the video.

I grew up in a family where we were taught to love plain and simple. I had a mom and dad who would’ve kicked my ass if I used a derogatory term to describe another person of color. As I got older, I looked around realizing what a rare thing that was. I grew up in south Ga where there was a lot of oppression and stereotypes. Don’t get me wrong..there were a lot of good people but that’s just the truth. There was hate from both sides. People were raised to dislike me for the color of my skin and some of the white kids were taught to dislike others for the color of their skin. It’s a poisonous cycle they may never end but I sure pray it does. Loving each other and taking care of one another seems like such a simple task yet has never seemed so out of reach. I’m well aware that “some” officers over the years have abused their authority and caused an extreme strain of trust among certain communities BUT I also believe that the majority of our officers (my brother included) want to protect all races and fight for what’s right everyday. I know his heart and i know he’s not the only one.

The media will always pit us against each other. They know race will always drive ratings. It’s all about the Benjamin’s people. There are many peaceful protests happening all over, but that’s not what you’re gonna see. You’ll only see the shooting over and over. You won’t see the black cop changing the old white ladies tire on the side of the road (saw this yesterday)…or the white cop laughing with the black man he pulled over (saw this 2 weeks ago) won’t see me and my good buddies Damien and Ty from this video sitting on a bench laughing together. I love these guys but hey.. That’s not a story. I hope we can all look at ourselves in the mirror and end this vicious cycle. I pray we teach our kids to simply love and let the hate die with those holding onto it ‪#‎BeTheChange‬

If the video at the top of the page doesn’t play in your web browser, you can watch it here.

Thanks to Kip Moore for taking a stand against hate and reminding us all that to end hate, we must all #BeTheChange.

By: Buck Stevens