Miley Cyrus Joins Season 10 of The Voice

Miley Cyrus The Voice
Miliey Cyrus Twitter

I can’t believe we are ready for Season 10 of The Voice already! February 29th it premieres on NBC, and guess who is going to be a part of the new season? Miley Cyrus!

Miley revealed Wednesday on Twitter that she will be a key adviser on the upcoming season, naturally she added a photo of herself licking the signature red button on the Big Red Chair.

Miley Cyrus Sticking Out Tongue On Voice
Miley Cyrus Twitter

Seems she is licking Christina Aguilera’s big red chair, so does that mean she will be key advisor on Xtina’s team? Guess we will have to wait and see…

Christina is returning for season 10, taking the spot of Blake’s boo Gwen Stefani, and joining her friends Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, and Pharrell Williams.