Former Teammate Reveals what Peyton Manning Means when He Says OMAHA [VIDEO]

Reggie Wayne on NFL Network via:Twitter
Reggie Wayne on NFL Network via:Twitter

The Super Bowl is set for Sunday, February 8th and two teams that have prevailed all season will match up and only one will be Super Bowl Champion. It’s taken Cam Newton and a breakout year and a dominant defense for Carolina to get here and a resurrected Peyton Manning who spent quite a bit of time on the injured list this year to lead the Denver Broncos to the promised land of the NFL.

Peyton has been here four times before and has won one and Cam is making his first trip. Many believe this is Peyton Manning’s last season especially if the Broncos win. The past three seasons he’s been puzzling fans with his chant at the line of scrimmage of ‘Omaha’ and we all want to know what it means. Here is former teammate Reggie Wayne to spill the beans on the NFL Network yesterday.


I don’t care what it means all I care is that Manning gets one more Super Bowl ring before it’s over.

-JD Justice

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>What does &quot;Omaha&quot; really mean?&#10;&#10;Reggie Wayne joins <a href=””>@nflnetwork</a>…&#10;And tells all. <a href=””>#NFLPlayoffs</a> <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; NFL (@NFL) <a href=”″>January 24, 2016</a></blockquote>
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