Luke Bryan Takes In 13 Year Old Nephew After Death Of His Brother In Law

Photo By: YouTube

By: Faith Rinker

Luke Bryan and his family have had a rough few years, to say the least. His sister, Kelly, passed away in 2007, and last November his brother-in-law, Ben, passed away unexpectedly as well. Three children were left behind in the deaths, dealing with a devestating loss of both their mom and dad, but Luke has made it clear that he is helping the kids deal however he can. In the aftermath of his brother-in-law's death he cancelled appearances and made sure he was their for the children. 

Luke has just revealed that not only is he helping the kids cope with the loss, but his 13 year old nephew Til is moving in with his family. So, he and Caroline, and his two boys Bo and Tate, can help him deal with the loss of his parents. That means Bo and Tate are gonna have their older cousin to look up to and teach them boy stuff. What a great thing for the family. Til's two older sisters are staying with family as well, and Luke has been blessed with a great career, so he can fly them to Nashville to see Til whenever they want.

Luke says

“I have to pray that people that have had similar situations can look at my family and see me positively dealing with it. So now I went from having two boys in the house to having a 13-year-old boy in the house. Which is a whole ‘nother set of learning that you have to do.”

What a great thing for Til and the girls to be able to grow up in such an amazing family full of love and support. 

I know I joke around alot about his butt, and his ability to shake his butt, but THIS is why I really love Luke Bryan!