More Details on ‘Finding Dory’ from Disney Pixar [VIDEO]

If you had young children in 2003 ‘Finding Nemo’ was the smash hit on the screens and then on DVD. I always wondered why they didn’t follow up with a part two. It turns out that Disney Pixar Miechael Eisner and Steve Jobs had some disagreements get in the way, but today I have good news.

The follow up to ‘Finding Nemo’ will be called ‘Finding Dory’ and Ellen DeGeneres will be back playing Dory as she explores the idea of reuniting with her family.  We’re going to be introduced to some new characters and Diane Keaton will play Dory’s Mother Jenny and playing the part of her Father Charlie is Eugene Levy.

The film will be based off the coast of California and ‘Finding Dory’ will be scheduled for release in June of 2016. I’m sure this will be a film that my girls will watch with me just like when they were young, I hope anyway.

-JD Justice

What’s so funny is Ellen announced this on her show last year and it’s taken this long to get more details, but here is Ellen DeGeneres announcing the news.