NFL Fines Player for Honoring Father’s Cancer Battle

Cam Heyward of Pittsburgh Steelers with young fans From: flickr
Cam Heyward of Pittsburgh Steelers with young fans From: flickr

Cam Heyward grew up around the NFL as his dad was Craig ‘Iron head’ Heyward a ten year veteran of the NFL. Craig was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1998 and lost his battle in 2006. His son Cam is now a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers wanted to honor his Father by writing in his eye black. It’s breast cancer awareness month ans NFL players are wearing pink anyway.

He wrote #NeverGiveUp and #CancerSucks and the NFL fined him almost six thousand dollars. It’s against their rules to write messages. If the NFL keeps this up they’ll start giving bonuses for poor behavior. Wait, they already have players making millions that are convicted of something. I love the NFL, but they need to clean up their act as well. If you want to message support for Cam Heyward here is his twitter account.

-JD Justice