Tacos ARE Sandwiches According to a Court Ruling

Tacos (Photo credit: YouTube)

How would you answer this question, are tacos sandwiches? One court ruled that they ARE sandwiches.

An Indiana court case Fort Wayne involved a man named Martin Quintana suing over the right to open a taco place in a strip mall.

He encountered some resistance in his endeavor because the contract stated that he could only sell “made-to-order or subway style sandwiches.” Martin contended in his filing that tacos and burritos ARE in fact “sandwiches.” That restriction was originally intended to keep out big, fast-food chains.

A superior court judge ruled this past Monday (5/13) that he was right. The ruling stated that tacos and burritos are in essence “Mexican-style sandwiches.”

There still could be an appeal filed and that judge could disagree with this ruling. We will have to wait and see what happens.

What do you think, ARE tacos and burritos sandwiches?

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens