Many people consider their dogs or cats to be a part of the family. However, a recent poll asked Americans if they feel the same way about their car?
In a survey, 2,000 people were asked if they agreed with the statement, “I think of my car as part of the family.” 51% said that they do.
The poll also revealed that 53% of us would keep our cars forever if it were possible. However, the top reason was financial not emotional.
80% plan to keep our current vehicle going as long as possible. The reason is that we don’t want to spend the money on a new one. Here are five more reason given for hanging on to our current car…
- Fairly reliable (58%)
- Gets pretty good gas mileage (45%)
- Couldn’t afford a new car right now (28%)
- Special memories with the car (24%)
- Just an emotional attachment to the car (22%)
Even with all of that, wouldn’t buy the same car again. Just one third said if they were to buy a new car it would be a newer year of the same make and model.
By: Buck Stevens