Survey: More Americans Prefer to Love Their Job Over Being Paid More

Screen shot from TV show 'The Office'
(Photo credit: YouTube)

It’s an age-old question … would you prefer to love your job and make less money or have a high-paying salary for a job you don’t enjoy doing?

There’s a new survey that asked Americans that very question and 66% (nearly two out of every three) said they would take less pay to have a job they enjoyed.

It’s more of a split between younger adults. 52% of those surveyed under 35 said they would pick a job they love over one they hate with the higher salary.

The survey also found that more people want to “work to live, not live to work” as an old saying goes. When it comes to that work-life balance, 63% of Americans would choose a job that fits their personal life, over higher pay that required more time, energy, and taxed them more mentally more day-to-day.

The survey also found that 72% of Americans gauge being a “success” by happiness, contentment, and fulfillment rather than wealth, status, and achievement.

What is your dream job and why?

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens