Are You Washing Your Bananas? You Should Be…

A woman holding a bunch of bananas
(Photo credit: YouTube)

Is this for real? Should we REALLY be washing our bananas? (That is not a euphemism.)

Unless you are a strange person that eats the peel of a banana, washing them seems like a waste of time.

However, Tamika Sims, a senior director at the International Food Information Council says that you should wash your bananas under clean, running water. You don’t need to use any special soap or cleaner, just running water. She says that this eliminates any bacteria on the outside that can get on your hands, and therefore into your mouth as you eat them.

But wait, there’s more. reports she also says washing avocados might be even more important than washing bananas.

Again, she states that the outside of the avocado could be contaminated with bacteria. When we cut into it, the knife can drag some of the bacteria into what you actually eat.

So basically, you should wash anything that has a peel you do not eat. That would include things like melons, onions, oranges and even pineapples.

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens