The Battle Rounds continued last night (10/24) on The Voice Season 22. Who did Blake Shelton keep for Team Blake?
Blake’s first pairing of the night was Hillary Torchiana with Kevin Hawkins. The two were given The Voice coach John Legend’s song “Preach” to perform. Both did an excellent job of singing the song. However, Kevin just had a little something more in his performance.
Blake made the tough decision of sending Hillary home by keeping Kevin on Team Blake as the winner of the battle.
The next Team Blake pairing was Kate Kalvach with Madison Hughes. Blake gave them the song “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” by Poison. These two ladies did a great job performing this anthem rock ballad. Personally, I liked Madison’s performance just a bit more.
Blake did not agree with me choosing to keep Kate moving forward on Team Blake. Unfortunately, that means Madison’s time on the show has ended.
You can see what artists remain on each team at the official website of The Voice here.
Tonight, the Battle Rounds will come to an end on season 22 of The Voice starting at 7 p.m. central time (8 p.m. eastern time).
By: Buck Stevens