It is important to be a careful driver at all times. However, no matter how careful you feel you are, fall and winter are the times of year that even more attention needs to be paid when behind the wheel.
Winter is an obvious time for more cautious driving. When there is snow and ice on the roads, we know it is more hazardous to drive. However, roads during the fall have extra hazards to be aware of as well.
Here are the top four fall driving hazards you are likely to encounter . . .
1. Rain and wet leaves. Rain obviously makes everything slicker and harder to see, so slow down. And wet leaves on the road can be just as slippery as ice. So be especially careful around turns when you see a lot of leaves on the road.
2. Deer. They are the most active between October and January, especially around dusk and dawn. This is their mating season and it is hunting season. Slow down and keep an eye out. Be even more alert for deer in, around and near any areas with timber.
3. Earlier sunsets. The days are getting shorter, so you will be driving in the dark more often. A lot of accidents happen at night, for obvious reasons.
4. School kids. Be more careful in the morning before school starts, and in the afternoon when they’re heading home. Also, be more aware around crosswalks, and look out for kids on bikes. And when a school bus stops in front of you, DON NOT zip around and try to pass it. It is not safe and IT IS ILLEGAL.
Again, you should be attentive and careful when driving at all times. However, start paying extra attention for situations on the road that only happen over the next five or six months when you are behind the wheel.
By: Buck Stevens