Grandparents Send Life Sized Cardboard Cutouts To Their Grandkids For Thanksgiving

Grandparents Send Cardboard Cutouts for Thanksgiving
Facebook Cardboard Cutouts
After Coronavirus canceled their holiday plans, and they learned they wouldn’t be able to share the holidays in person with their family this year, one couple decided to take a different approach.

Missy and Barry Buchanan were bummed they couldn’t spend the holidays with their grandkids, so they ordered life sized cardboard cutouts of themselves and had them mailed to their children in time for the holidays.

The kids propped up the cardboards and had some fun taking pictures, and they even joked that the kids may have had more fun with the cutouts than if Grandma and Grandpa had actually been there in person.
While it’s too late to pull this off for Thanksgiving, might not be a bad idea for Christmas!
