Bloomington-Normal’s very own Beer Nuts has been nominated for the “Coolest Thing Made in Illinois” and they need your votes to win!
This is the inaugural “Makers Madness” contest by the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. Over 250 products manufactured in Illinois have been nominated.
The first round will set the 16 products that will enter the bracket style competition next. Voting in this first round goes through Sunday, March 8th at 11:59 PM central time. You can vote up to five times each day.
Our local company Beer Nuts actually has TWO of their products in the running. Their Bar Mix and Original Peanuts have been nominated.
You can put all five of your daily votes on one of their products or split them between the two.
Let’s help out Beer Nuts and get BOTH of their products in the round of 16!
by: Buck Stevens