Employees Get $10 Million in Holiday Bonus

Surprised Woman
YouTube: Holiday Bonus Surprise

For many, the holiday’s can also mean bonuses. Some can be big, some can be small, but they are always appreciated. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a holiday bonus this BIG before!

St. John Properties, a Baltimore-based commercial real estate property management and development company, just provided their employees with a $10 million bonus! All 198 employees will get a portion of the bonus, including the guy that just started a week ago.

The bonus distribution was based on how long they had worked with the company, and had nothing to do with their position in the company. The payout ranged from $100 to the guy who had been their a week, to $270,000 for someone who had been with the company for 44 years. Can you imagine a $270,000 holiday bonus?!

The Founder and Chairman, Edward St. John said, “I steer the boat, but they’re the ones that run the boat. They’re the ones that make the boat go. Without the team we are nothing. We are absolutely nothing.”

I love this! Not necessarily just in terms of the money, but just the fact that this company and it’s leaders understand the importance of making their people feel appreciated and like they are a part of something big.

