‘Orange Is The New Black’ Shows Life After Litchfield [VIDEO]

Orange Is The New Black
YouTube Orange Is The New Black

ONE MONTH! Just one month and we will all be sitting in front of our screen’s as we say goodbye to the ladies of Litchfield.

The first trailer for the final season of Netflix’s “Orange Is the New Black” is out, and so is Piper Chapman!

Piper was released from prison and the new trailer follows her life as she navigates the world outside of prison walls, and WITH a criminal record.

But, many of the ladies are still inside, including Alex, Crazy Eyes, Taystee, Red, and many more!

So, what’s going to happen to them?

July 26th, we will find out as the final season of OITNB is released on Netflix! “Orange Is The New Black” was one of the first Netflix originals, and I’m sad to see it go.