Today (2/14) is Valentine’s Day. Can you pass our short five question Valentine’s Day Quiz?
See if you can answer these five questions about Valentine’s Day. You can find out if you are right by highlighting the area next to the word “Answer” after each question.
Question 1:
King Henry Vii of England declared February 14th “Valentine’s Day” in what year?
Answer: 1537
Question 2:
Valentine’s Day begun to celebrate the memory of…?
Answer: Bishop Valentine who was reportedly imprisoned by the Roman Empire in the 3rd century. He was tortured and became a martyred as Saint Valentine as a result. Legend has it that he wrote a note to his jailer’s daughter from prison that read “From Your Valentine.”
Questions 3:
There are more than one billion dollars worth of these sold in the United States alone on Valentine’s Day.
Answer: Chocolates
Questions 4:
Fifteen percent of women who buy flowers on Valentine’s Day send them to…?
Answer: Themselves. Bonus fact, Roses are the favorite flower of the Roman goddess of love, Venus.
Question 5:
There will be more than 145 million cars given on Valentine’s Day. Who receives the most cards on Valentine’s Day?
Answer: Teachers … next is children followed by mothers and then wives.
How did you do? You can impress your friends with these Valentine’s Day facts now.
By: Buck Stevens