[WATCH] Chicago Police Officer Saves Dog

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It’s not a long video, but it will restore your faith in humanity for a little bit. A Chicago Police Officer can be seen in the video above saving a dog from the water. Talk about a knight in shining armor!

According to the Chicago Trib, the Officer in the video is rookie Policeman Juan Ferris. What a way to earn your stripes, Juan! Apparently the dog escaped from a wrecked car and was running around the area near the water when it fell in.

“I was hoping he didn’t get too far because it would’ve been quite the battle if I had to jump in,” Officer Ferris said to the Chicago Trib.

This guy is the definition of a hero in my book!

By Hunter

(quote from: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-officers-quick-to-pull-dog-from-lake-michigan-after-car-crash-20170613-story.html)

(feature photo courtesy of: http://abcnews.go.com/US/video/police-officer-rescues-dog-chicago-48012721)