Cubs Player Saves American Flag in 1976 [VIDEO]

Today is Flag Day and I thought you might enjoy watching the video of Cubs outfielder Rick Monday saving what we celebrate today from back in 1976.

The Chicago Cubs were in LA to play the Dodgers back in 1976. The game was in the fourth inning when a man ran out on the field, dropped an American Flag and began to soak it with lighter fluid. A second person arrives with matches trying to light the flag on fire.

Before the two can achieve their goal, Rick Monday runs in from the outfield and scoops up Old Glory as if he were grabbing a rolling baseball hit to the out field. This time, instead of saving a run, Rick saved the symbol of our great nation that our military men and women have fought to defend and many have died for.

We honor the American Flag on flag day because it is our not just the symbol of our country.

It represents all of the men and women of our military past, present and future.

It represents all that made the ultimate sacrifice for that flag, this country and our way of life.

It represents every person who has worked hard day in and day out to earn a living, raise a family and live the American way of life.

Simply put, the American Flag is our “Family Portrait.”

Happy Flag Day and God Bless the United States of America!

By: Buck Stevens