Evergreen Cemetery Walk

Evergreen Cemetery Walk
Sat Sep 30 at 11:00

Every year the Evergreen Cemetery Walk brings the voices of McLean County’s history to life. Costumed actors portray individuals representing all walks of life from the county’s past on the beautiful grounds of Evergreen Memorial Cemetery. This event serves over 3,500 people (mostly students) every year. To date, we have featured over 157 different individuals from all walks of life, whose stories illustrate the impact the people of McLean County have had on history – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the impact of the Evergreen Cemetery Walk can be felt throughout the state and nation. This award-winning, nationally recognized interpretive program is often referred to as the “granddaddy” of all cemetery walks. Put on your walking shoes and bring your family to participate in this fascinating, outdoor theatrical program.
Evergreen Memorial Cemetery is one of the richest historical resources in our community. People from all walks of life are buried in this over 150 year old cemetery. Rich, poor, famous, infamous, loved or forgotten alike, they are all buried here. Evergreen provides an honorable resting place for all members of our community.
This annual event is a collaboration between the McLean County Museum of History, Illinois Voices Theatre and Evergreen Memorial Cemetery.