Do You Squeeze Toothpaste from the Bottom or Top of the Tube?

A person squeezing toothpaste out of a tube onto a toothbrush
(Photo credit: YouTube)

Do you squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube from the bottom or the top? A recent poll of more than 32,000 adult Americans that very question.

The results were that 72% squeeze the tube from the bottom. That makes sense. It would help ensure most of the toothpaste eventually make sit out of the tube for use.

There were 20% that said they squeeze it from the top. I would guess that is because it is quicker and easier. However, to not waste a lot of the product you would have to make additional squeezes to push the toothpaste to the top. Are you really saving time and effort as a result?

There were 9% who answered “Not Sure.” How can you not be sure? Do you just grab a squeeze all willy-nilly?

Toothpaste tube squeezer
(Photo credit: YouTube)

I have a device that slips over the end of the tube that pushes all the toothpaste up to the top. That allows me to squeeze the tube from the top, bottom or middle if I want and not waste any toothpaste.

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens