B104 is giving you another chance to win tickets to the Corn Crib Pro Rodeo all this week with Faith in the Morning!
Listen to B104 at 7:40 all this week (10/7-10/11), listen for Faith to play the cue to call, and be caller 9 at 309-821-1041 to score a pair of tickets to Pro Rodeo at the Corn Crib on Saturday, October 19th!
You can win tickets with Faith all this week at 7:40, or purchase tickets and take your friends or your family to the Pro Rodeo at the Corn Crib. It’s the first ever professional rodeo at the Corn Crib in Normal, with bull riding, steer wrestling, barrel racing, and much more! Get complete details and buy tickets here.
Make sure to listen to Faith in the Morning at 7:40 for your chance to win, with Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104!