A recent study revealed which music genres had fans that reported being in good and poor mental health.
The survey of 1,000 people included 208 that are medical professionals. The results showed that 80% of people said that listening to music helped reduce their stress. That would indicate that music also helps improve your mental health.
The survey went deeper to explore what kinds of music had fans that felt the best mentally. It appears that fans of Country music tend to feel healthiest mentally.
52% of Country music fans reported feeling like they were in good mental health. That was the highest percentage tying Reggae music.
At the other end, country music had the lowest percentage of fans reporting they felt like they were in poor mental health at 17%. Again, Reggae was right there as well just a notch higher this time at 18%.
So, data suggests that if you want to feel you have the best mental health, listen to Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104 every day!
By: Buck Stevens