It’s National Smile Month, What Makes You Smile?

People Smiling
(Photo credit: YouTube)

National Smile Month runs from May 13th through June 13th, so we are right in the middle. So, what makes you smile?

A poll of 2,000 adults found that the average person will smile at a stranger five times a week. That random little visual piece of kindness will lift most people’s spirits for an average of 13 minutes.

The poll also listed the top 30 things that make us smile. Here are the top 10…

10 – Relaxing in the sun.
9 – Being told thank you.
8 – Winning money.
7 – Being given a surprise gift.
6 – Making another person laugh or smile.
5 – Finding out about good news for a loved one.
4 – Another person smiling at you.
3 – A kind gesture being given to you.
2 – Seeing the sun is out in the morning.
1 – Going on vacation.

What makes you smile?

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens