How Old Were You When You Started Swearing?

Child yelling with censored over his mouth
(Photo credit: YouTube)

Some people call the curse words, others cuss words and still others say swear words. Whatever you call them, how old were you when you started using them?

A recent poll asked 14,000 people what age they were when they “first started swearing on a regular basis?” What is shocking to me is that 10% said they were dropping cuss words by the time they were 10! There were even 4% that said they were using profanity “younger than 8.”

The most common answer was that 19% said they have NEVER fallen into the habit of using swear words.

There were also 13% that said they were not sure when they started using curse words. I feel like that translates into “I don’t want to admit how young I was.”

Also of note, 48% claimed they were NOT mimicking their parents. They said their guardians “rarely” or “never” used profanity in front of them.

I know I was well in my teens before I started cussing much. My mom and grandma both said they would “wash your mouth out with soap” for cussing … And they did!

Cursing poll results
(Photo credit:

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens