Life Hack: You Should Be Putting Garlic in Your Toilet?

A toilet in a bathroom
(Photo credit: YouTube)

There is a Life Hack going viral that says you should be putting a CLOVE OF GARLIC in your toilet at night to make your bathroom smell better.

Apparently, you are supposed to peel one clove … drop it in the toilet bowl … and let it soak. The hack says to do this twice a week.

While not everybody likes the smell of garlic, this supposedly helps with those lingering bathroom smells.

Additionally, apparently you can crush a few cloves of garlic, make garlic tea and pour that in to help with eliminate yellow stains.

Some people are saying this life hack is just a waste of garlic and really you just need to clean your toilet more often.

One plus to this life hack is that your bathroom will become a safe room if vampires get into your home.

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens