10-Year-Old Bloomington Girl Wins 2nd in International BMX Competition

Malia Alvarez with Cycling World Championship 2nd Place Trophy

Malia Alvarez is a 10-year-old girl from Bloomington, IL that is making a name for herself on the international BMX biking stage.

Malia does what many 10-year-old kids do, rides her bike. However, this young girl does it competitively and better than most in the world. Malia trains regularly at the Farmer City BMX track.

Last year she competed in the UCI Cycling World Championships in France and took home fifth-place. That wasn’t good enough for her. This year she went to the UCI competition in Glasgow, Scotland where she was able to claim second-place.

Malia told News 25, “I’m definitely highly competitive.” She plans to work hard so that next year she can bring home first place in the international competition.

Great Job and Good Luck Malia!

(Photo credit: facebook.com/amanda.sullivan.54)

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens