If You’re a Bad Driver, Your Parents Probably Were Too

View from driver's seat out windshield of a car
(Photo credit: YouTube)

If you see somebody tailgating you or they pull out in front of you, it’s not their fault … blame their parents.

In a recent survey of 1,000 people, respondents stated that their driving habits are the same ones their parents had. If your mom or dad was one who would speed or not make a complete stop at stop signs, there is a higher chance that you do the same.

In fact, two-thirds of the people who admitted to driving dangerously say that their parents were also bad drivers. People in that group where three times more likely to have been pulled over in the past 10 years and to have received a driving citation.

Here are some of the bad habits parents are the most likely to pass down . . .

  1. Speeding. 55% of people who speed say their parents did too.
  2. Road rage.
  3. Poor spatial awareness, like drifting into other lanes.
  4. Being a bad parallel parker.
  5. Sudden moves, like cutting people off.

Now here are the top GOOD driving habits we inherit . . .

  1. Always using turn signals. 46% who do it say they learned from their parents.
  2. Staying calm behind the wheel.
  3. Driving the speed limit.
  4. Moving over, so other cars can pass.
  5. Letting people merge.

The poll also found that 55% of us think we are better drivers that our parents over all.

Do you think you are a better driver than your parents?

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens