Last night (3/21) was the final time that Blake Shelton will ever push a button on The Voice for an artist in the Blind Auditions. Who filled the last ever Team Blake?
Grace West is a 19-year-old who grew up in Canton, Michigan. However, she has moved to Nashville because she got a publishing deal as a song writer. Grace really wants to be not just writing the songs, but also performing and recording them. She chose “Maybe It Was Memphis” by Pam Tillis as her Blind Audition song. Her performance got Blake to press his button with Niall Horan pressing a spit second later. Niall gave a very good pitch to Grace. However, Blake went all-in with his pitch. Kelly and Niall both admitted that it was an excellent pith. Kelly surprisingly even told Grace that she felt Blake would be her best choice.
It was really no surprise when Grace chose to join Team Blake. It seemed appropriate that the final member of Blake’s last ever Team Blake was a country singer.
All the teams now have 10 artists each. The Battle Rounds for season 23 of The Voice will begin this Monday, March 27th at 7 p.m. central time (8 p.m. eastern time) on NBC.
By: Buck Stevens