Brantley Gilbert’s big custom man cave is called “The Dawg House”, and it’s basically an enormous warehouse garage. It’s big enough to park his tour bus plus several cars and ATV’s in. Plus, it has a huge bar, a living room area, some sleeping areas, a kitchen, and even some arcade-size games like Golden Tee. Brantley has posted videos of him and his friends playing Golden Tee in the past that look pretty physical. To swing your club and hit the ball in Golden Tee, Brantley kind of takes a running start and then slams the palm of his hand down on the roller ball that looks like a cue ball imbedded on the game, while simultaneously trying to make the roller ball rotate forward as fast as he can. He admits when a bunch of his buddies are playing together it can get a little crazy.
“Man, the folks at Golden Tee hooked us up with a Golden Tee machine in the Dawg House. And man, no joke, there’s always somebody at that machine. If anybody is visitin’, somebody’s over there. And it’s a lot of fun for all of us. We’ll play little tournaments with folks that are hangin’ around, and that machine sees a lot of action. And yes it can get physical. I don’t know if it actually, like past a certain point if it actually registers a faster swing, but still, every time somebody does it, especially when you’re like coming off the tee, I worry that somebody’s gonna run their hand straight through the wall and shatter it. And I’ll tell you, we rotate between that one and Big Buck Hunter. The folks at Big Buck Hunter sent us a Big Buck Hunter Reloaded game. It’s got all the Big Buck Hunter games. You can run all kind of games, and then I can say between the two of those machines, there’s never a dull moment, and there’s always somebody playin’.”
So, if you ever see that Brantley has injured his right hand, it could be a golf injury … from playing Golden Tee too aggressively.