There are certain things that I feel like everybody would agree on as cheating when you are in a committed, exclusive relationship. However, perhaps some things are not so black and white to most people.
An online poll taken by thousands of people revealed some interesting results on the subject of what is and is NOT cheating. Here are some of those results.
Does kissing someone on the cheek count as cheating?
Only 7% said yes. However, 73% thinks kissing on the lips is definitely cheating. 3% even thinks it’s cheating when two actors have to kiss.
Hugging someone very closely and slowly?
14% thinks that’s cheating.
Sending someone else revealing photos?
Yes, 94% said it’s cheating.
Giving someone a massage?
22% said it’s cheating no matter the context.
Flirting with that cute barista at Starbucks?
26% thinks it’s cheating.
Hooking up with someone else when you’re on a “break”?
32% said it’s cheating. Another 35% thinks it’s a gray area, so it depends.
Holding hands with someone else?
28% said it’s cheating. Another 42% said it depends.
Hanging out with an ex without telling your significant other?
Only 34% thinks that’s definitely cheating.
Telling someone, “I’d totally hook up with you if I was single”?
35% said it counts as cheating.
Having sex with someone else?
Yeah, only 1% said that’s NOT cheating.
You can see all the questions and results of the poll here.
By: Buck Stevens