Last night week two of the Blind Auditions on season 22 of The Voice began. Which artists picked Blake Shelton as their coach and joined Team Blake?
Katelyn Drye (33-years-old) and Derek Drye (36-years-old) are a married couple who have been singing together for around 15 years. They use their last name as the name of their duo, The Dryes. They currently live in Nashville, TN. They chose the iconic song “Islands In The Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers for their Blind Audition performance. Blake hit his button as soon as it Katelyn joined in singing with Derek. Gwen Stefani was intrigued almost from the start. However, it closer to the end of the performance before she pressed her button.
The Dryes chose to join Team Blake with Blake Shelton as their coach.
Madison Huges is a 25-year-old from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. She did what Blake called a “country version of ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door'” by Bob Dylan. She did say she was “I’m here for the twang.” Madison states that she grew up on Americana-Folk and dabbled in some R&B-Pop music as well.
Madison chose Blake as her coach and joined Team Blake.
Those two artists bring Team Blake to a total of six members.
John Legend added two members to his team to bring his total to six as well.
Gwen Stefani also has a total of six after adding two more members to her team.
Rookie coach Camila Cabello continues to lead the way adding three new artists to her team for a total of eight members.
See all the members of all the teams at the official website of The Voice here.
The Blind Auditions for The Voice Season 22 continue tonight at 7 p.m. central time (8 p.m. eastern time) on NBC.
By: Buck Stevens