Brett Young is a pretty talented guy at a lot of things, including songwriting, performing and singing. He also excelled at baseball, and almost went pro after college. And while he’s not looking to change careers, there are certain skills Brett would still love to acquire in his life. One skill in particular he plans to learn alongside his daughter, Presley.
“I don’t know if there’s a career in it, so to speak, but I’ve always been interested in other languages. And I know there’s like, Rosetta Stone and things that make that pretty easy. I excelled in Spanish in school, and then I realized as soon as I wasn’t taking classes and I wasn’t using it, and putting it in practice every day, I forgot and forgot and forgot and got worse at it. And then I started working in restaurants and there were a lot of Spanish-speaking coworkers, and I got good at it again. And so, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to speak multiple languages. The other thing is, I always wish that I have been forced to take piano lessons. I’ve played guitar almost my whole life and I can’t play piano, and so that’s something that I actually will do when Presley’s old enough to take lessons, I’m gonna take them with her.”
What is a skill you wish you had learned how to do?