Most of us have had to deal with those neighbors that just seem to rub everybody the wrong way. If you haven’t, either you are lucky or YOU might be THAT neighbor. recently asked homeowners to share what rules to follow to be a good neighbor. Here are the top 10 from the list.
10. Don’t peek over your neighbor’s privacy fence.
9. When it comes to yard maintenance, try to read the room, and don’t be the house with the worst yard on the block.
8. Keep your cats indoors.
7. If you have really close neighbors who suffer from allergies or respiratory issues, let them know if mowing or grilling so they can close their windows.
6. Be mindful of how loud your dogs are.
5. Be mindful of how loud your vehicle is.
4. Pick up after your pets, and make sure their waste gets in your trash.
3. Give your neighbors a heads-up when you’re having a party, and keep the noise down if it goes late.
2. If you’re parking on the street, try to leave room for others. Also, don’t take others’ designated spots or block their driveways.
And finally, although it is hard to believe this needs to be said…
1. Don’t steal your neighbors’ packages and mail.
Really it all boils down to being considerate to the people that live around you will make you a good neighbor.
What is the most annoying thing you have had to deal with that a neighbor has done?
By: Buck Stevens