Ask fans who the fittest guy is in country music, and a lot of people would probably mention Tim McGraw. However, in a recent Men’s Fitness article, they declared Kane Brown the fittest man in country music, after he completely overhauled his diet and fitness routine during the pandemic. Kane feels like he still has a way to go to be the fittest guy in country music, but Tim McGraw has no doubt he’ll get there. “Oh, I’m sure. He’s a lot younger than I am, so I’m sure he won’t have any problem with that.”
Tim McGraw credits the decision to make fitness and his physical health a priority about a dozen years ago with completely changing his life. He even wrote a book about it called Grit & Grace: Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life. So, he fully supports anyone who undertakes that same journey, like Kane has. Tim says, “He’s actually sent me a message a couple of times when he started hammering it pretty hard, he says, ‘I’m comin’ after you, I’m comin’ after you!’ And I was like, ‘Come on brother, come on.’”
Still, it would be kind of fun to see if Kane can go toe to toe with Tim through one of his legendary workouts that have been known to last three and a half to four hours, including everything from cardio to yoga to CrossFit to plyometrics, and even a special core routine designed for Tim by a martial arts expert.