Singer-songwriter Chris Janson shares that he has a very nontraditional way of writing songs. When he is writing music it is literally all in his head.
“I write songs very untraditionally. I actually just get the ideas on my head and I kinda write them all down in my brain as weird as that sounds, I don’t really ever write anything down. In fact, my publisher gets mad at me all the time because I don’t turn lyrics in. I just don’t write stuff down.”
So, if you are thinking a pen and writing pad would be a good present for Chris, think again.
It seems to work for him. He’s created three studio albums that way. Those albums include his hit songs “Buy Me A Boat”, “Fix A Drink”, “Good Vibes” and “Done.”
What do you do in your head that most people would use a pen and paper for?
By: Buck Stevens