Justin Moore once said that his comfort zone when it comes to love songs, is the kind of love song Southern Rock group Lynyrd Skynyrd might sing. However, his latest single, “With A Woman You Love,” seems a little softer and sweeter than that.
Still, the song wasn’t too much of a stretch for Justin. He says, “I don’t know that I’m necessarily too far outside my comfort zone. We don’t do these type of songs a lot. But we’ve had four or five of ‘em become big records for us. And it’s my job to give our fans what they like and what they wanna hear, and it’s pretty evident by their consumption and excitement, etc., that they want to hear this kind of stuff from us.”
Justin doesn’t want to turn into the mushy ballad guy, but he says, “It’s not gonna be every time we put a song out, but every now and then you gotta give ‘em some of this love stuff.”
Spoken like a true romantic!