This news reporter is incredible, showing true devotion to her job when she got hit by a car and then she kept reporting!
SHE WAS HIT BY A CAR and kept GOING with the live broadcast.
Tori Yorgey of WSAZ-TV in Charleston was reporting on a water main break when a vehicle collided with her live on the air and she didn’t miss a beat, “I just got hit by a car, but I’m okay… that’s live TV for you.” She even mentioned to the woman who hit her that this wasn’t the first time she had been hit by a car, “It’s all good! I actually got hit by a car in college, too, just like that. I am so glad I’m OK!”
Not only did she keep going, but she was more worried about the woman who hit her than she was about herself. She consoled the woman who hit her, made sure the woman knew she was ok, picked up the camera and kept talking to Tim back in the studio. You heard that right, she had to pick up the camera because she was also filming the live segment herself with no camera-man!
If that’s not crazy enough for you, it’s her last week on the job as she is starting a new job.
“You know, it’s my last week on the job, so I’d think that would happen“.
She is my hero. I love my job, but I’m not sure I am that dedicated. If I got hit by a car while on a live broadcast I think I would just call it a day.
