When Brett Young first started his career, he had all kinds of dreams and benchmarks for success, but as he’s gotten older, gotten married and had kids, those dreams and benchmarks have definitely evolved. Brett says his number one goal and priority, “As a dad and a husband, it’s cultivate the career and put food on the table, and it’ll always be that for me. That’ll always be the priority. I’ll take the worst gig that pays better if it means my family’s gonna eat… It will always come first that my family is taken care of.”
Fortunately, Brett has more than paid his dues, and he is no longer a starving artist, which means he is able to take care of family. With that box checked, Brett has one more driving force in his career. “The artistic side of it for me is honesty and authenticity. I don’t wanna do this if I feel like I’m compromising or jeopardizing integrity at all, ever. I never wanna lie to people, ever.”
As long as those two criteria are taken care of in Brett’s life – family and integrity – Brett will consider his music career a success.