Anytime you talk to Justin Moore, there’s a good possibility that he has added to the menagerie of animals at his farm, whether they’re his or animals he’s letting a friend or family member board on his property, or animals his kids convinced him to let them bring home. It turns out during quarantine, there were a couple of changes in his animal family. Sadly, Justin says, “Unfortunately we lost one. Our oldest dog, Hank, who, golly, Kate and I had well before we were married and before we had the girls and South. It’s the first time as an adult I’ve had to deal with it, and having that conversation with the kids was, whooo … it was not a lot of fun, I can promise ya.”
But on a happier note, Justin laughs and says, “After that we add… we added a bunny rabbit, Chocolate Chip. That was Kline‘s birthday present. That’s what she wanted, and we had just lost Hank and they caught me at a really weak moment.”
The next things on the Moore family animal wish list are some chickens and a rooster. But Justin wonders if his wife realizes that a lot of the work is about to fall on her. “I did tell Kate, ‘I’m here right now and I can help with all this but you gotta know that like, at some point I’m going back to work. It’s going to be up to you to go get eggs and clean stuff.’ And she says okay, so … whatever.”
Justin’s kids have a real love for animals, and even tried to get him to adopt all the animals from the petting zoo at their summer camp one time, so there’s no telling what animal or animals Justin and the family could add to their farm/household.