Brett Young knows that if he ever needs a reality check or someone to make sure he isn’t losing sight of the big picture, his mom will always be there, as she has been throughout his career. “My mom’s been incredible,” says Brett. “You know, when this whole thing started happening, every little thing that she thought was me kind of losing sight of who I am or where I came from, she’s always been that person for me.”
One thing mom has kept a close eye on is the number of tattoos her son has. Brett has a full sleeve, as well as his shoulder and part of his chest tattooed, and he says every once in a while she’ll say something like, ‘Hey, bud. I’m real worried next time I see you they’re gonna be on your neck and your face. Like, where are we going with this? Who are your fans?’
Obviously Brett is a grown man, with a family of his own and can make his own decisions, but he says his mom just wants to help keep him in check. “It’s not that she’s saying don’t do that. She’s saying are you, and what does that mean for your career? What does that mean for your image? So, as quiet and in the background as she is, when she feels strongly about something she speaks her mind.”
We have a feeling Brett’s wife, Taylor, would be right there with a few things to say, too, if he ever started talking about getting a tattoo on his face.
Brett just released a new collection of music titled Weekends Look A Little Different These Days that features the #1 song “Lady.” The collection is available digitally and on CD everywhere. Listen for “Lady” on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country B104.