Check out most jukeboxes in bars and restaurants across the country, and you will probably find at least one Tim McGraw song on them. However, what if Tim had his own personal jukebox? What would you find on his?
“Wow, I mean, Merle Haggard would be my go-to as far as country music,” says Tim. “When you’re going to listen to stuff to either feel bad or feel good, it’s always Merle Haggard. He’s my favorite.”
In addition to Merle Haggard music, Tim says his personal jukebox would have plenty of music from The Eagles. “I’m a big Eagles fan too, so they would definitely be on my jukebox. But Merle Haggard and the Eagles would alternate in my world.”
Sounds like pretty solid choices to us.
Listen for Tim McGraw’s latest single “Undivided” featuring Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104.
What two artists would you load up in your personal jukebox?