This is a world where the internet and social media can give you your 15 minutes of fame if you go viral. Robyn Ottolini has gone viral, but says “nothing changed.”
The young woman from Uxbridge, Ontario (a small town outside Toronto) posted a song titled “F-150” and it went viral. The video has reached over three million views. Robyn says that even with the new fame from the video it does not change where she lays her head down at night.
“It doesn’t feel real … Like, I still live in my parents’ house. I still sleep in the same bedroom I’ve slept in since I was 3. But when you go viral on the internet there’s not like … I’m still me! Nothing changed.”
You may always remain you Robyn, but things are about to change for you.
Robyn has signed with Warner Music Nashville for her record company. As long as she keeps putting songs out that people can relate to like “F-150,” I would bet she won’t be living in her parents’ house much longer.
Have you had a “viral moment”? What was it?
By: Buck Stevens