Brett Young and his wife Taylor are expecting their second child, another little girl, this summer. And while she’s still too young to fully grasp what’s about to happen, Brett feels like his daughter Presley is naturally entering a stage in life where she’s going to be ready to have another little human in the house. “Presley is 18 months right now, and it is the most we’ve seen her change day to day, this age,” says Brett. “I feel like she wakes up from a nap and her hair is longer or she’s learned a new word in her sleep.”
That being said, Brett knows, “She’s definitely not aware that the bump on mama‘s belly is a baby. We’re not there yet. But, she’s starting to mimic Taylor‘s behavior with her, with her dolls, like learning how to be nurturing. She’s starting to point at babies on the TV and get excited, and say ‘baby.’ She’s starting to wanna hang out with other kids her age. There’s a thing that’s happening in her that I think is the perfect age. I think it’s preparing her to love a little sister.”
So, while Presley may not quite understand how her world is about to change in a couple of months, Brett says, “I do see her getting mentally prepared, kind of naturally, and becoming capable to be a sister. It’s the thing that I look the most forward to, is watching them together. And I think with all of the growths and changes she’s making right now, I think it’s gonna be perfect timing.”
Incidentally, Brett says he and Taylor have not picked a name yet for the baby on the way. He said it took them until Presley was six hours old to come up with a name, so they’ll probably have to meet the new baby first before they choose her name.
Brett wrote a song for Presley about Taylor that became a number one hit titled “Lady.” Listen for that song on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104. We’ll have to wait and see if he gets inspired to write another song for his second daughter.
Did your first child adjust well to a baby in the house when the time came?