Justin Moore has been an avid hunter for most of his life, so he’s had a chance to go on dozens and dozens of different types of hunts – deer, turkey, and he says, “I’ve been elk huntin’ four, five, six times and I’ve only gotten one. It’s just hard to do.”
For Justin, part of the fun of hunting is the challenge, which is why he says, “I’m actually thinking about just doing nothing but bow hunting from now on. I thought about making that transition just because I’ve been lucky with deer and have done that for my whole life. And I do bow hunt, but I thought about only doing that, just to make it more challenging, cause that’s part of the fun to me, the challenge of it.”
With all the different hunting experiences he’s had, what is a dream hunt Justin has yet to go on? “I would love to kill a moose, which I’ve never even been moose huntin’. They make an elk look small,” Justin shares.
Before Justin would go on a moose hunt, he would have to find out if he likes the way the meat tastes. When it comes to hunting Justin says, “I don’t kill it if I don’t eat it.”
I’m the same way as a hunter Justin. I hunt what I will eat and if I get a trophy in the process, fine. However, the trophy is not my main goal.
Listen for Justin Moore’s latest single “We Didn’t Have Much” on Bloomington-Normal’s #1 Country, B104.
By: Buck Stevens